The House Documents

Browse through a vast collection of historical documents, reports on Rohingya (by titles, categories, years or publishers)

Showing 1-4 of 4 Books
“The Torture in My Mind”: The Right to Mental Health for Rohingya Survivors of Genocide...
Sumarry: Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh continue to experience severe mental health impacts of genocide and mass atrocity crimes perpetrated in...
“They Gave Them Long Swords”: Preparations for Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity Against Rohingya Muslims...
Preparations for Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity Against Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State, Myanmar The dominant narrative about what occurred...
“Tools of Genocide” National Verification Cards and the Denial of Citizenship of Rohingya Muslims in...
Summary: States often use legal and administrative tools to facilitate the destruction of a targeted group “in whole or in...
Policies of Persecution: Ending Abusive State Policies Against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar
Sumarry: While the international community has roundly condemned ongoing violent attacks against Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State, systematic restrictions on...