Showing 21-40 of 27 Books
“First They Targeted Our Culture and Language”: Threats to Rohingya Language, Culture and Identity in...
Summary: A people are defined by and remain “a people” because of and through their language and culture. If their...
A Cultural History of Rohingya
Preface: Culture is an inexplicably meaningful word almost defying any definition. It is the visible manifestation of the entire gamut...
A History of Arakan: Past & Present by Dr. Mohammed Yunus
Preface: After a little over two centuries under colonial rule Arakan --- the once flourishing maritime Muslim Sultanat extending from...
A Short Historical Background of Arakan by Mohammed Ashraf Alam
Introduction: ARAKAN, once a sovereign and independent State, is now one of the states of the Union of Burma. The...
Bengali Literature in the Kings’ Court of Arakan (1600 – 1700 A.D)
Summary: The inhabitants of Arakan [thereafter written as Arakan] are generally known as "Mag" or "Magh"1 in Bengal. The Arakanese...
Dr. Muhammad Enamul Huq (M.A., Ph. D); Sahitya-sagar Abdul Karim Sahitya Visarad
Buddhist or Muslim Rulers Models of Kingship in Arakan (Western Burma) in the Fourteenth to...
Introduction: Southeast Asianists have, over the past half-century, discussed in great detail issues related to the emergence of the state...
Clan, Community, Nation: Belonging among Rohingya Living in Makeshift Camps
Sumarry: This consultation provides a very initial exploration into how Rohingya organize themselves within three important social systems, the values...
Culture, Context and Mental Health of Rohingya Refugees: A Review for staff in mental health...
Summary: In August 2017, a major humanitarian crisis in the Rakhine State of Myanmar triggered a mass exodus of around...
Hidden Treasure of Rohingya
History of Arakan (Burma)
Introduction: History is the mirror of life and measure of its performance. It reflects human life in all its passing...
Honour in Transition: Changing gender norms among the Rohingya
Summary: Humanitarian crises often exacerbate pre-existing gender inequalities and discriminations, which lead to different and often disproportionate risks, vulnerabilities and...
Islam in Arakan: An interpretation from the Indian perspective: History and the Present
Introduction: The history of Arakan or the Rakhine State of Myanmar is matchless due to various, partly, very complex, factors....
Rohingya History: Myth and Reality
Introduction: During the last few years, I came across some historical works on the Rohingya history by some native Rohingyas...
Rohingya in 1961 ‘Tatmadaw (Army) Journal’
Summary: “After the Mujahideen surrendered, (the) Rohingya leaders asked us not to call the Rohingya “Khaw Taw”, nor “Bengali”, nor...
Rohingya in 1964 ‘Myanma (Burma) Encyclopaedia’
Summary: “Of the 400,000 to 500,000 inhabitants of Mayu Border District 75% are Rohingya ethnic people who are Muslims. The...
Rohingya or Roewengyas in Arakan
I wrote about Rakhaing Kaman Muslims, the descendants of Shah Shujah's followers in a previous article entitled "Shah Shujah in...
Rohingya or Rooinga in 1799 ‘A Comparative Vocabulary of Some of The Languages Spoken in...
Summary: “I shall now add three dialects, spoken in the Burma empire, but evidently derived from the language of the...
Rohingya or Rooinga in 1811 ‘Fourth Volume of The Classical Journal’
Summary: In the Classical Journal for September and December 1811, the translation and comparasion of Rohingya (Rooinga) commonly used words...
Rooinga in 1815 ‘Linguarum Totius Orbis Index Alphabeticus Grammaticae Lexica Collectiones Vocabulorum’
Summary: In East India on the Ganges in Arakan, these two languages are the mixture of the neighbouring, Rooinga or...