Showing 21-40 of 58 Books
‘Illegal migration’ in Arakan: Myths and Numbers
One of the rationales underlying the persecution of the Rohingya by the Burmese state is that they are branded  “illegal...
“An Island Jail in the Middle of the Sea” Bangladesh’s Relocation of Rohingya Refugees to...
Summary: "Based on interviews with 167 refugees as well as with humanitarian experts, "An island jail in the middle of...
“An Open Prison without End”: Myanmar’s Mass Detention of Rohingya in Rakhine State
Summary: Hamida Begum was born in Kyaukpyu, a coastal town in Myanmar’s western Rakhine State, in a neighborhood where Rohingya...
“The Torture in My Mind”: The Right to Mental Health for Rohingya Survivors of Genocide...
Sumarry: Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh continue to experience severe mental health impacts of genocide and mass atrocity crimes perpetrated in...
“They Gave Them Long Swords”: Preparations for Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity Against Rohingya Muslims...
Preparations for Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity Against Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State, Myanmar The dominant narrative about what occurred...
“They Tried to Kill Us All”: Atrocity Crimes against Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State, Myanmar
Summary: On October 9, 2016, a previously unknown Rohingya militant group calling itself Harakah al-Yaqin attacked three police outposts in...
“Tools of Genocide” National Verification Cards and the Denial of Citizenship of Rohingya Muslims in...
Summary: States often use legal and administrative tools to facilitate the destruction of a targeted group “in whole or in...
“We Will Destroy Everything”: Military Responsibility for Crimes against Humanity in Rakhine State, Myanmar
Summary: Following the 25 August 2017 attacks on security posts by an armed group known as the Arakan Rohingya Salvation...
“All of My Body Was Pain”: Sexual Violence against Rohingya Women and Girls in Burma
Summary: I was held down by six men and raped by five of them. First, they [shot and] killed my...
“All You Can Do is Pray” Crimes Against Humanity and Ethnic Cleansing of Rohingya Muslims...
Summary: The deadly violence that erupted between ethnic Arakanese Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims in early June 2012 in Burma’s Arakan...
“Bangladesh Is Not My Country” The Plight of Rohingya Refugees from Myanmar
Summary: In late August and September 2017, Bangladesh welcomed the sudden influx of several hundred thousand Rohingya refugees fleeing ethnic...
“If Not Now, When?”: The Responsibility to Protect, the Fate of the Rohingya and the...
Summary: In this paper Dr. Simon Adams tests the resilience of the international community’s commitment to defending human rights and...
“Tell Them We’re Human”: What Can Canada and The World Can Do About The Rohingya...
Summary: “The Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to Myanmar engaged in extensive research, travel and meetings with key interlocutors from October...
A Case Study on How and Why Rohingya Refugees are Neglected in Bangladesh
Abstract: In the 21 century, Rohingya refugee is one of the most discussed issues trembling the world people’s heart and...
A New Shape of Catastrophe: Two Years on from the 2017 Rohingya Crisis
Sumarry: Two years on from the horrific and widespread violence in Myanmar, this report is a call to action to...
A Voice in Their Future: The Need to Empower Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh
Summary: More than two years since the expulsion of the majority of the Rohingya population from Myanmar, Rohingya are still...
Belonging in a New Myanmar: Identity, Law, and Gender in the Anthropology of Contemporary Buddhism
Abstract: “To be Burmese is to be Buddhist” is a slogan commonly identified with the dawn of nationalism in the...
Breaking a Cycle of Exodus: Past Failures to Protect Rohingya Refugees Should Shape Future Solutions
Summary: In August 2017, the international community watched as hundreds of thousands of Rohingya civilians fled their homes in Rakhine...
Burned, Stabbed, and Shot: Physical Evidence of Atrocities committed against the Rohingya
Summary: This report documents physical evidence of atrocities committed against the Rohingya by the Burmese Army. On October 9th, 2016,...
Caught between the Crocodile and the Snake – Contexts of the ‘Rohingya issue’
Abstract: This article is an account on how the internationally-sustained discourse of ‘democratic transition’ is masking the complexity of the...